Friday, February 23, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sex Worker Activists…
Question why street-based sex workers are more of a nuisance for local residents than that busker doing off-key Led Zeppelin covers
Wonder why people working for multi-national corporations that bulldoze old growth forests or exploit third world labour think we should get a real job
Ask why people who pay us for sex are exploiting us more than those who expect it for free
Think that if being rescued and rehabilitated involves working long hours, earning a pittance, doing uninspiring menial labour – we’ll stay in the gutter, thank you.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Slit Magazine Launch - the T Show
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

However, I've found taking charge of the therapy process - really taking a good hard look at my own issues within that context - and leading it, with much honesty, rigour and being able to articulate what changes I want for myself has been ultimately empowering. It has been helpful that I am really analytical to begin with, and like a dog with a bone when there is something I don't quite understand. And there is still enough middle class attachment to notions of dignity, which means I'd prefer to tackle all the demons of my psyche within the therapy space than metaphorically be bleeding all over the shop in other areas of my life. I have an absolute fear that I'm the only person in my life that isn't aware that I'm acting out my mental health issues all the time in public.
When first seeing a therapist, I've found it useful to articulate what I want to happen - that my decisions about sex work are off limits, and about what I wanted to get out of the process. I've found doing my homework in between sessions - going after extra information on particular issues, and examining my value system in relation to things that have emerged in sessions - increases my sense of control over the process, and generally makes me feel empowered. Also, most therapists would tell you that your independence is an important part of the process.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Femme Fest
If you haven’t seen this exhibition yet, I highly recommend it – femmy/ domestic/ housewifery themed art, all curated by the amazingly beautiful and talented Lady Penelope.

Another femme happening I've been a part of (as participant, rather than voyeur) was Zoo and my roving Milk 'n' Cookies roving performance at Velvet. A quick rundown: Us wearing sturdy foundation garments and aprons roving through crowd. Zoo wearing fake bosoms, one full of soy, one full of cow milk. I am carting picnic basket full of cookies. Crowd members asked if they would like milk & cookies. Cookie inserted in cleavage - Zoo squirts with milk of choice, people consume from cleavage. Lots of fun with femme/ mummy feeding/ nurturing paradym. I ended up with crumby, milky, salivery cleavage and bra. Messy, grrrly, silly fun had by all.
I loved the fact that the most enthusiastic feedees where dykes around the 50+ mark. Much burying of heads in breasts and noisy joyful sounds. Yummy. (Oh, and I can now die happy, having fed a former Playschool presenter from my cleavage, and while most managed to get the whole cookie in one mouthful, it took her at least three bites - I love my life sometimes). Despite pre-performance prop dramas (and some considering of calling in a good-with-hir-hands butch), this was one the most hasslefree piece I've ever been involved with. No lines to learn. No 'fluffing' required. Quite liberating to know that sometimes all you need in a great concept - thanks and spanks to Madam Phantasm - cute costumes, well behaved breasts, up-for-it performers and a receptive crowd. This was also the only non-whore related performance I've done for about 10 years, and first time ever with Zoo - except for some strange nights at Sly, that could arguably be called performance....For Zoo's write up of the frivolity, and more pics, see here.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Pretty Ugly